    Home Sarawak Kuching Do not abuse the sanctity of 22nd July, our cherished historic day...

    Do not abuse the sanctity of 22nd July, our cherished historic day said Sanib

    KUCHING, 22 JULY 2024: Today, as we commemorate Hari Sarawak, it is imperative that we reflect accurately on the significance of this historic day. Unfortunately, certain groups have recently misinterpreted our history for their own agendas. They have advocated for the display of the old colonial flag from the Brooke era of 1870 during our celebrations.

    Sarawak Historian, Datu Dr Sanib Said said, this misguided action has drawn criticism, rightly so, from the Minister of Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts, YB Datuk Sri Abdul Karim Abdul Rahman Hamzah. He aptly described these actions as stemming from confusion and ignorance, suggesting a need for these individuals to revisit their history books.

    The Minister correctly reminded us that 22nd July holds deep significance in Sarawak’s history. It marks the day in 1963 when Sarawak achieved self-government, a crucial step towards reclaiming our independence. This pivotal moment saw the appointment of Dato Stephen Kalong Ningkan as Chief Minister, alongside his cabinet members, ushering in an era of governance by Sarawakians after more than a century under British rule, first through the Brookes and then as a Crown Colony.

    Therefore, Hari Sarawak should rightfully be celebrated by honouring and remembering the contributions of Dato Stephen Kalong Ningkan and his cabinet, commemorating a milestone in our journey towards self-determination.

    Regrettably, the president of SAPA and certain groups, like the unregistered Sarawak Liberation Movement have distorted this history by promoting symbols of colonialism. Their actions not only misinform but also risk undermining the true spirit of Hari Sarawak, endangering our shared heritage.

    Let us not allow confusion and misuse of history to cloud our celebrations. Instead, let us unite in remembering and honouring the true significance of 22nd July, a day that symbolizes our progress as a people and a state.

    Datu Dr. Sanib Bin Haji Said, PhD

    Sarawak Historian,

    President of Sarawak Malay Graduates Association

    President of Sarawak Literary Society

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